Monday, 7 March 2016

MUA MAKE UP ACADEMY Matte Lipstick | Wild Berry

Product name: MUA Matte Lipstick

Colour: Wild Berry

Where product was purchased: Superdrug

How much did the product cost: £1.00

Product review: This lipstick has to be the best matte lipstick I have laid my hands on as of yet. It's super cheap and I love that it does exactly what it says, it stays matte even if you moisturize your lips before applying the product.

The only negative side of this product is the fact that it doesn't stay on the lips for very long. However, a very positive side is that it slightly stains the lips.

It was good to find a lipstick that goes well with my skin and every day make up. This is definitely the sort of lipstick I will wear with my every day make up.

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